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Margaret Adkins...


born in Kent - grew up 

in Somerset & Greater London & Oxfordshire - 

all adult years spent in the West Midlands -

I've never lived where my roots are deep - on the edge of the Western Pennines - 

where generations before me originated - the place where I feel I come from... 


A Memory: 'May Day 1913'

Oil on canvas by Millicent Needham

[my grandmother]

Stripe and Spheres

         The windings of the road...


I would not have ended my nursing career if circumstances had been different.


I loved my role at Brook Birmingham as a sexual health nurse. However, within the reorganisation of the city's sexual health services, Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council commissioned an all-encompassing service, which condemned Birmingham Brook to permanent closure in 2015.


Unwilling to face a transfer, and become an employee of the newly commissioned service within the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, I began my BA course in Creative Writing & English Literature at Worcester University. Yes, I have missed my work, and my profession, and I have missed my colleagues, but I don't look back on my decision with any regret. 







Work History:



2018 - 2019 Masters by Research (MRes). 

Theatre & Performance.

University of Worcester.


2017 - 2018 Volunteer Writer. Route To The Hills Project. Malvern.


2017  Volunteer Events Manager. Ledbury Poetry Festival.

           [Feb - July: Intern with Ledbury Poetry Festival]     


2015 - 2018 BA (Hons) Creative Writing & English Literature.

University of Worcester.


2012 -2015: Sexual Health Nurse. Brook Birmingham.


2009 - 2012: GP Practice Nurse.


2000 - 2009: Independent School Nurse (Qualified to teach PSHE/SRE).


1996 - 2000: Bank Midwife. 


1987 - 1996: Community Midwife


1984 - 1987: Staff Midwife 


1983 - 1984: Midwifery Training, Women's Hospital, Birmingham.


1982 - 1983: Staff Nurse


1979 - 1982: Nurse Training, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham.


Book no.2
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